Breath Sampler
Breathe BioMedical Breath Sampler Technology
Our technology has the potential to detect disease early through a simple breath test. Our breath sampler device, SohnoXB®, allows for individuals to provide a breath sample, which could then be analyzed for combinations of biomarkers indicative of disease.
Breathe BioMedical’s user-friendly breath sampler enables consistent collection of breath samples onto industry standard thermal desorption tubes. Our SohnoXB® device is a Class 1 medical device listed with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Breathe BioMedical has received a Medical Device Establishment License (MDEL) from Health Canada to manufacture and distribute the Breath Sampler in Canada. The SohnoXB® breath sampler collects exclusively alveolar breath. Our breath sampler can be used in conjunction with any form of mass spectroscopy or any other technology that utilizes an industry standard sorbent tube.

Second Generation Sampler is Under Development.